Peace Through Music

Peace Through Music

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Let Us Open Our Hearts, by Amma

I recently learned about Amma, the hugging saint from India. I've been touched by her words in The Language of the Heart. Here is one of her meditations:

Let Us Open Our Hearts

We are not isolated islands,
we are connected links in a chain.
Each kind word, each smiling face,
each good action benefits our neighbor,
our community, our nation, and our world.
Let us pray and meditate together,
and we shall reach the shore of peace,
spreading the sweet holy fragrance of Love
and vibrations of unity and harmony.
Turning our minds to the supreme Consciousness,
let us open our hearts and chant the words:

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

May all beings everywhere be happy.


Regarding religious beliefs and differences, I also like this meditation from Amma:

There Is Only One

There is an infinite power independent of 
and transcending every created thing.
That power is God, and there is only one.

Christians call God Christ;
Muslims call God Allah;
Hindus call God Shiva, Krishna, Mother - 
But all are the same God.

The supreme Self says, However
you conceive of me, I am there.


I grew up Christian and was a strong believer into adulthood, however, there came a time when those beliefs no longer resonated with me. I felt lost for a few years, yearning for a connection with the Great Beyond and knowing that there is something bigger and greater out there, but not knowing how to connect with that Essence. It is through messages like these that I have found peace, knowing that however I try to connect with the One, it is ok. Sometimes I feel like this Essence/Spirit is a culmination of all the positive energy of humanity past, present, and future. But we didn't create ourselves, so I suppose it is also the Source of this energy. I don't feel I need to know or understand the details...they just get in the way. The real message is spreading Love and Peace and being caring and generous towards others. We are all human, and our differences are less than our similarities. If we can embrace compassion instead of intolerance and fear, we will go a long way toward a better future for all... Love and Peace, Jennifer

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