Peace Through Music

Peace Through Music

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

GV Potluck Party! 2/24/15 :)

Hello! :)

Last night GV had a potluck party as part of our weekly meeting. It was lots of fun! I think that's the most people we've had so far - it must have been the food! ;)  (see pictures below)

We enjoyed dishes from Japan, Korea, Germany, and America. It was quite yummy!

We all got to know each other better, in a more casual, social environment. I think having potlucks once a month is a great idea. I'm looking forward to the other two this semester:

March 17 and April 14

After we had some yummy food we sang a few fun multicultural children's songs from a book called "Wee Sing Around The World" ("Wee" is correct - meaning small children). This cute little book and CD has 45 children's songs from many different places.

We enjoyed getting help from our German members with: "Alle Meine Entchen" (All My Little Ducklings). They confirmed that "Alle Meine Entchen" is learned by most German children around the age of 5. We also consulted with them about a Swiss Hiking Song titled "Weggis Zue." It turns out the Swiss language in the song resembles German, but is pronounced differently and not well understood by Germans. The Swiss song was funny because it involved yodeling - which is a learned skill and something all of us had trouble with! ;)

Unfortunately we ran out of time and we couldn't do any more, but our next meetings will include children's songs from Japan and South Korea, as well as other places. I'll probably mix the children's songs up with other traditional songs as well. I look forward to our future meetings!! :)

(Note: GV will not be meeting during Spring Break (3/10) or 3/31.)

Reflections about GV Meeting on 2/10/15

During our second meeting this semester (2/10/15), we discussed the types of songs we would like to learn as a group. We discussed learning multicultural children's songs (because they're fun and easy!), as well as current pop songs from different countries. In addition, we discussed other learning traditional folk songs and songs that most people know in each country. Based on the feedback, it seems the group wants to learn multicultural children's songs and well-known traditional/folk songs. They don't seem to care which countries we learn about. So far our group has people from South Korea, Japan, and Germany, as well as Americans. I'm hoping that some of the members will volunteer to share their country/culture/language/music with the group and teach us some of the songs they know. I'm still working on getting volunteers for this! Hint, hint... ;)

During our meeting on 2/10, I started our traditional/folk song journey with American songs. We learned the songs at the bottom of this post. I would say almost all Americans grow up singing America the Beautiful and This Land is Your Land, as well as the Star Spangled Banner - all of which are more patriotic style songs. The other two, are folk songs that many people are familiar with, but not all. The main chorus of You Are My Sunshine is well known, but not the rest of the lyrics. Keep on the Sunny Side was featured in the movie "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" (2000).

We all had fun learning these songs and learning more about traditional American folk music. We planned on having a potluck on 2/17, but it was too cold, so we postponed to 2/24, which was last night. In my next post I will share all about that! :)

·         “America the Beautiful” – Katharine Lee Bates (lyrics); Samuel A. Ward (music) – 1895/1910
·         “This Land is Your Land” – Woody Guthrie (written in 1940, published in 1945)
·         “You Are My Sunshine” – Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell - 1939
·         “Keep on the Sunny Side” – Ada Blenkhorn (lyrics); J. Howard Entwisle (music) - 1899 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Reflections on 2/3/15 meeting and direction of GV

Hello everyone! :)

This past Tues. night (2/3) Global Voices resumed meeting. It was really fun. During the meeting we discussed the direction that GV should take this semester. The group seemed to prefer a more "informal" approach, rather than a more "formal" choir approach. With the informal approach we will be having fun singing along with diverse multicultural songs, but not work toward any kind of performance at this point. Some members requested more diverse songs, and familiar/popular songs from many different countries, as well as some English songs to help them practice their English. We decided that each person (if he/she desires) will sign up for a meeting where they will share their country/culture/language with the group, as well as their favorite songs. They will play recordings of the songs and will help us learn to sing them. We also decided to have a "potluck" social once a month, where we each bring in food from our country or in general to share with each other. I think this will help develop closer relationships and a more closely woven group. I'm excited to see what happens with GV this semester! :)

The potluck dates for this semester will be: 2/17, 3/17, and 4/14.

There is a kitchen near the room where we meet at the church, so we can use that space during our potluck socials. We can't use the stove, but there's probably a microwave. We should provide our own cups, plates, napkins, utensils, and serving spoons, etc. We can sign up before each potluck to organize who will bring what. I'm excited! :)

*Note: We will NOT be meeting on 3/10 (spring break) and 3/31 (I'm away). 4/28 is during finals week, so we will decide about this meeting later in the semester.*

This past week we sang the following songs (a review from last semester):

"We Are The World"
"Stand By Me"
"Swimming To The Other Side"
"Die Gedanken Sind Frei" (a German song)

The last two are less familiar - so here are the recordings on youtube and the lyrics:

"Swimming to the Other Side" - sang by Pat Humphries:


We are living 'neath the great Big Dipper

We are washed by the very same rain

We are swimming in the stream together

Some in power and some in pain

We can worship this ground we walk on

Cherishing the beings that we live beside

Loving spirits will live forever

We're all swimming to the other side

I am alone, and I am searching

Hungering for answers in my time

I am balanced at the brink of wisdom

I'm impatient to receive a sign

I move forward with my senses open

Imperfection, it be my crime

In humility I will listen

We're all swimming to the other side

{Repeat Refrain}

On this journey through thoughts and feelings

Binding intuition, my head, my heart

I am gathering the tools together

I'm preparing to do my part

All of those who have come before me

Band together and be my guide

Loving lessons that I will follow

We're all swimming to the other side

{Repeat Refrain}              

When we get there we'll discover

All of the gifts we've been given to share

Have been with us since life's beginning

And we never noticed they were there

We can balance at the brink of wisdom

Never recognizing that we've arrived

Loving spirits will live together

We're all swimming to the other side

{Repeat Refrain}

"Die Gedanken Sind Frei" - sang by Pete Seeger:


Die Gedanken Sind Frei

Die Gedanken sind frei,
wer kann sie erraten;
sie fliehen vorbei
wie naechtliche Schatten.
Kein Mensch kann sie wissen,
kein Jaieger erschiessen;
es bleibet dabei:
Die Gedanken sind frei.

Ich denk was ich will,
und was mich begluecket,
Doch alles in der Still,
und wie es sich schicket.
Mein Wunsch und Begehren
kann niemand verwehren,
es bleibet dabei:
Die Gedanken sind frei.

Und sperrt man mich ein
in finsteren Kerker,
das alles sind rein
vergebliche Werke;
denn meine Gedanken
zerreissen die Schranken
und Mauern entzwei:
Die Gedanken sind frei.

Drum will ich auf immer
den Sorgen entsagen
und will mich auf nimmer
mit Grillen mehr plagen.
Man kann ja im Herzen
stets lachen und scherzen
und denken dabei:
Die Gedanken sind frei.
My Thoughts Are Free

Die Gedanken sind frei
My thoughts freely flower.,
Die Gedanken sind frei
My thoughts give me power.
No scholar can map them,
No hunter can trap them,
No folk can deny:
Die Gedanken sind frei!

I think as I please,
And this gives me pleasure.,
My conscience decrees,
This right I must treasure;
My thoughts will not cater
To duke or dictator,
No folk can deny:--
Die Gedanken sind frei!

And if tyrants take me
And throw me in prison,
My thoughts will burst free,
Like blossoms in season.
Foundations will crumble,
The structure will tumble,
And free folk will cry:
Die Gedanken sind frei!

Neither trouble or pain
Will ever touch me again.
No good comes of fretting.,
My hope's in forgetting.
Within myself still
I can think as I will,
But I laugh, do not cry:
Die Gedanken sind frei!

*I look forward to meeting again on 2/10/15!* 

Global Voices has resumed! :)

Global Voices began meeting again this past Tuesday, February 3rd. It was great fun!! We had some old and new faces, which was wonderful. Here is some general information about Global Voices:

Description of Global Voices:

The purpose of Global Voices is to provide a place for international and American adults in the surrounding communities of State College, PA to come together to enjoy singing and promoting peace through multicultural music. Global Voices is an opportunity to sing in a casual, friendly environment.  No prior musical experience is required! The group meets regularly to promote cross-cultural friendships and understanding by sharing our cultures, especially through the “universal language” of music.  It's meant to be a place where music is FUN - so there's no pressure!

Our meetings are held on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 pm at Faith United Church of Christ at 300 E. College Ave. in downtown State College (no religious affiliation). 

*Please enter the church through the back door near the alley and go downstairs.* 

Come join us anytime! :)

(Note: We will NOT be meeting on 3/10 (spring break) and 3/31 (I'm away). 4/28 is during finals week, so we will decide about this meeting later in the semester.) 

(If finding childcare is difficult, we welcome families to participate, as long as the children do not disrupt the meeting. Youth aged 14 and above are welcome to participate in the group.)

For more information, please contact:

Jennifer Miller (Group Leader) at

Global Connections (Group Sponsor) at

“Music is the universal language of mankind” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“Where words fail, music speaks” – Hans Christian Andersen