Peace Through Music

Peace Through Music

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

GV Blog Update

Even though I will not be leading Global Voices this coming academic year (see update below), I plan to keep this blog site and may continue to use it for posting about my doctoral research interests.

I have a broad background in the arts, to include music, theater, dance, visual arts, etc. My Master's degree is in Teaching English as a Second Language. Over the past few years, my artistic background has combined with my love for international peoples and cultures. This has led me to my present research interest:

I'm a big proponent of using the arts as modes of communication between people from diverse cultures. At the moment, I'm interested in how the arts can be utilized to reduce and resolve intercultural stereotypes, prejudice, and conflict. As I progress with my doctorate, I will be doing further research in this area. Stay tuned! :)

"In music there is harmony. In harmony there is peace."
-Unknown author

Global Voices Update

Dear Global Voices members,
It is with sadness that I must tell you that I won't be continuing to lead GV this summer and into the next academic year. My doctoral studies need more attention at the moment. I enjoyed leading GV very much and I hope to do it again in the future. Global Connections, GV's sponsor, is trying to find another leader. If you know anyone who might be interested, please contact them. Here is their website:
Hopefully the group will continue in some form. I really enjoyed getting to know each of you and I wish you all the best!
Take care, Jennifer :)