Peace Through Music

Peace Through Music

Monday, March 23, 2015

Global Voices Meeting 3/24/15

Hello everyone! :)

I'm happy to say I'm feeling better now. I haven't sung much recently though, so we'll see how that goes!

I look forward to meeting tomorrow night at our usual time and location - 7:00-8:30 pm at Faith United Church of Christ (no religious affiliation).

We will discuss when to have our next (and final) potluck for this semester. I'm thinking 4/21 or 4/28, depending on everyone's availability...

*A few notes:

- We will NOT be meeting on 3/31. I will be out of town.

- We will resume on 4/7, but there's a slight location change for that night only. We will meet on the third floor of the church. Enter through the same door and go upstairs instead of downstairs. I will have signs posted.
Hopefully the weather will start warming up soon!!

See you soon, Jennifer :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

No GV meeting tonight :(

Hello everyone,
Unfortunately, my bronchitis isn't better yet and I need to cancel our meeting tonight. We'll plan to meet next week without a potluck and we'll schedule our next potluck in mid to late April. Reminder: 3/31 there will be no meeting as I will be out of town.
Have a good week and see you next Tuesday. Take care, Jennifer :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

No Global Voices tonight :(

Hello everyone, :)

Given the weather forecast and the likelihood for freezing rain and ice around the time of our meeting tonight, I have decided to cancel. Too bad! :(

I will miss seeing all of you... Unfortunately, we won't meet next week either, due to spring break. I look forward to meeting again on 3/17! Originally I had scheduled a potluck for 3/17, but given the fact that we just had one and won't be meeting for a few weeks, I'd like to postpone it. We can maybe do it on 3/24, or 4/7. I will be away on 3/31, so there's no meeting that Tuesday. We'll figure it out. I'd like to have one more potluck and then an end of semester party. :)

Be safe out there and stay warm! Take care, Jennifer