Peace Through Music

Peace Through Music

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Global Voices Update :)

Hello! :)

Last week (4/7) we had a very nice meeting where we learned some multicultural children's songs. Children's songs are fun and easy to learn, as well as a gateway to each country's language and culture.

Here is the update for this coming week's meeting (4/14)... (Please note, our final potluck and meeting will be on 4/28)

Hello everyone! :)
The journalism student from PSU plans to come this Tuesday. As much attendance as possible would really be helpful. Here is their intention:

"For the interviews, I'd need at least two. One definitely with you and I'd really like an interview with a participant about their experience with the group and the reason they've joined. I would definitely do these either before or after the meeting so that I don't interrupt and for the meeting itself I'd be acting as a fly on the wall with a camera with the goal of not being distracting or really even that noticed." (The video will only be shown to their professor and classmates.)
If any of you are willing to be briefly interviewed, please come a little early or be willing to stay a little after the meeting so this can be done. Thank you for your participation!
Also, if you aren't comfortable with being filmed, please come anyway. You can sit outside the view of the camera. At least one member is already planning to do this.

We will be meeting in our usual location at the church (downstairs).
Singing multicultural songs about springtime is one of our themes this week. If you're able to come, feel free to share some songs about springtime with me. If you know one or more, please send me a link to the song (youtube etc.) and also a link to the lyrics/music. Lyrics only is fine. Please send the links by 8 pm Monday (tomorrow) night. Even if you can't come, suggestions are welcome.

I hope to see as many of you as possible on Tuesday night! Take good care, Jennifer :)

P.S. We have decided to have our final potluck at our last meeting on 4/28 at the church.

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